MU Indigenous Task Force Report (Jan. 2025)
AI & the Learning Environment (Taskforce Report & Resources)
Faculty Handbook
Faculty Ombudsperson
How to be a Faculty Council substitute
Faculty Council Rules of Order (09/10/2023)
2024-2029 Strategic Plan
P&T Task Force Report (2023-2024)
Faculty Council Rules of Order Archived Versions
University of Missouri Standing Committees
Intercampus Faculty Cabinet (IFC, of the University of Missouri System)
COACHE Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education Survey
Missouri Association of Faculty Senates
National Survey for Student Engagement Information
Faculty Council Annual Report
Academic Affairs
Faculty Affairs
Faculty Council Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Faculty Council Research, Scholarship & Economic Development
Fiscal Affairs
Student Affairs
Faculty Council Annual Report
Academic Affairs
Faculty Affairs
Faculty Council Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Faculty Council Research, Scholarship & Economic Development
Student Affairs
Faculty Council Annual Report
Academic Affairs
Faculty Affairs
Faculty Council Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Faculty Council Research, Scholarship & Economic Development
Student Affairs
Faculty Council Annual Report
Academic Affairs
Faculty Affairs
Fiscal Affairs
Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Research, Scholarship & Economic Development
Student Affairs
Academic Affairs
Faculty Affairs
Fiscal Affairs
Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Research, Scholarship & Economic Development
Student Affairs
Academic Affairs
Faculty Affairs
Fiscal Affairs
Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Student Affairs
Artificial Intelligence Syllabus Statement Resolution (2/27/2025)
ACT/SAT Test Optional Extension through Fall Semester 2029 Approved (2/13/2025)
English Language Support Program (ELSP) Recommendations Approval (2/13/2025)
Office Hours Policy (2/13/2025)
Promotion & Tenure Task Force Recommendations Resolutions Pt 1/2 (2/13/2025)
Adjunct Instructor Minimum Compensation Resolution (1/30/2025)
Voluntary Syllabus Bank Resolution (1/30/2025)
Homecoming Parade Guidelines Resolution (11/22/2024)
Faculty Handbook Revisions
III.c. Registration & Withdrawals – Restore the definition of full, half, and quarter-time class registration
VI.H Academic Integrity NCAA Bylaw 14.9
VII.2 Revision of S/U Grading Policy
VI. A. Academic Integrity Process Updates
Standing Committees
MU Information Technology Committee (MUITC) replaces RITG, MU ISC & ATSS (former Standing Committees)
ACT/SAT Test optional pilot extension through Fall 2026
Trans-gender healthcare statement
Proclamation honoring Art Jago
Faculty Council Rules of Order
Amend RoO adding Faculty Ombudsperson as ex-officio member Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Handbook Revisions
IV.A. Student Absences (Military Absences), (June 22, 2023)
IX.H Addition of Posthumous Degrees (June 22, 2023)
V.C.2. Exams on week 15 of the Semester (June 22, 2023)
VII.B.3 Incomplete Policy (May 4, 2023)
VIII.F. Academic Standing Policy Revised Language (May 4, 2023)
FH IX.D. Eliminate 132-hour rule/requirement for Dual Majors (April 6, 2023)
CRR 300.010 for NTT Inclusion: Faculty Affairs Committee adopts “the definition of ‘faculty’ of the MU Faculty Bylaws as including all tenured, tenure-track and full-time ranked NTT faculty.”(December 15, 2022)
Faculty Council Approves MU ITC Committee Restructuring Policy (November 18, 2021)
Faculty Council Approves Syllabus Statement on Mental Health (January 20, 2022)
Faculty Handbook Update regarding Academic Calendar (January 20, 2022)
III.H. Student Leave of Absence Policy (June 16, 2022)
V.A. No exams or other academic activities at times other than class time or time approved by Registrar (February 17, 2022)
Resolution for an Independent Investigation into the MU Police Investigation (September 3, 2020)
Resolution that MURA be Given Power to Approve Post-Retirement E-mail Account Requests (January 21, 2021)
Resolution on Free Speech and Restructuring of Social Justice Centers (May 11, 2021)
AAUP University of MO-Columbia Resolution on Practices of Shared Governance at MU
We Remember 2015_2020 (October 15, 2020)
- Chapter 300.010: Faculty Bylaws of the University of Missouri-Columbia
- Chapter 310: Academic Tenure Regulations
- Chapter 310.10: Academic Freedom and Economic Security of Academic Staff
- Chapter 320.150: Discontinuance of Programs or Departments of Instruction
- Chapter 330.015: Policy on Conflict of Interest
- Chapter 330.110: Standards of Faculty Conduct
- Chapter 340.020: Leave of Absence
- Chapter 365.010: Faculty and Staff Campus Mediation Service
- Chapter 370.010: Academic Grievance Procedure
- Chapter 420.010: Research Misconduct
- Chapter 600: Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity
The University of Missouri System Collected Rules and Regulations: