Faculty Affairs 2024-2025

The Faculty Affairs Committee will advise campus leaders on matters of particular interest to faculty, including academic personnel policy, faculty conduct, faculty career development, tenure and promotion, and policies affecting non-tenure-track faculty. It will coordinate its work with that of campus bodies charged with making decisions and recommendations related to faculty conduct and academic personnel.

Faculty Affairs Committee Membership:
Eileen Avery, (A&S), averye@missouri.edu, term exp 7/31/2027

Noel Kopriva, (LIB), koprivan@missouri.edu
Leslie Lyons (VET), lyonsla@missouri.edu
LeeAnne Sherwin, (NUR), sherwinl@missouri.edu
Yuwen Zhang, (COE), zhangyu@missouri.edu
Irma Arteaga, (MU Voz Latina – non-voting), arteagai@missouri.edu

Faculty Affairs Committee 2023-2024 Annual Report
Previous Annual Reports

Faculty Affairs Committee focus for 2024-2025:

  1. (Carryover 2023-2024) Address the proposed CRR changes related to research misconduct and ensure faculty have a voice in this revision and any future changes (with AVCR Michelle Kennett).
  2. (Carryover 2023-2024 with a 2024-2025 addition) Prepare for the next salary equity study so that it is more inclusive. Consider concerns raised by the MU committee on the Status of Women, IDE committee, MU-AAUP, & Faculty Affairs regarding methodology, inclusion of specific groups and units, and the charge. Consider Faculty Affairs suggestions for improvement in the next salary equity study. These include: 1) address the one inequity finding, 2) examine the way workload policies and faculty development programs impact equity, 3) consider using a different researcher, and 4) obtain faculty feedback on methodological decisions. 2024-2025 addition: Request data from the most recent study to replicate the findings.
  3. (Carryover 2023-2024) Follow-up on the MyVita issues identified in the Faculty Affairs 2023-2024 Annual Report.
  4. (Carryover 2023-2024 with 2024-2025 additions) Continue to monitor implementation of faculty workload policies and continue to work with administration and faculty to improve communication, transparency, equity, and shared governance as these policies are implemented. Follow-up to confirm all colleges/schools/departments are represented and current as these policies will have an impact on promotion & tenure. 2024-2025 addition: Evaluate the ways that IDE will be included in workload policies going forward and evaluate the ways that teaching reductions are allocated across campus.
  5. Evaluate campus standing and ad hoc committee transparency with regard to visibility and membership and make recommendations.
  6. Follow up on P&T process/taskforce recommendations and review the P&T process. Follow up on suggested CRR changes and any other relevant concerns and make recommendations. Consider the new Strategic Plan, hiring procedures for tenured faculty, and any inconsistencies in the NTT promotion process. Work with the Provost’s Office to improve systematic annual data collection and analysis of P&T applications, withdrawals, approvals, and denials at each level of consideration so they can be compared over time.
  7. Monitor developments related to, and faculty experiences and satisfaction with healthcare accessibility and cost, including wait times for first-time and subsequent appointments and strength/size of the provider network regarding primary care, specialists, and mental health practitioners. Collaborate with Fiscal Affairs and other committees and groups as appropriate.
  8. Collaborate with Academic Affairs on oversight of the Task Force on Enhancing Learning and Teaching (TFELT).
  9. Evaluate the application of post-tenure review policies regarding their impact on faculty career trajectories and salary equity. Evaluate the long-term impact of annual reviews on the five-year review and whether moving beyond a dichotomous evaluation option would be beneficial. Examine the extent to which the application of incentives referenced in the final sentence of 310.015. B1e is consistent. Evaluate the equity and effectiveness of the remediation process for those faculty that receive unsatisfactory five-year evaluations.
  10. Work with the Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Committee to examine faculty concerns related to IDE dismantling.