Research, Scholarship, and Economic Development
The committee will attend to the following issues and report to Council as appropriate:
- Review 2019-2020 committee annual report and address any unfinished business (
- The charge of the committee is to act as a liaison between the faculty and University leadership on matters of faculty interest with respect to the research, scholarly, and economic development aspects of the University’s mission as well as advising on and developing policies surrounding these topics.
- Work with Ben Trachtenberg in consideration of existing campus committee structure (including task forces and working groups) and develop sensible and efficient approaches for ensuring effective shared governance in research, scholarship and economic development.
- Committee chair to attend monthly Associate Dean for Research/Research Directors meeting and Council of Research Administrators meeting and report back to Council.
- Liaise with Information Technology leadership on use of software in research and scholarship.
Committee Membership:
Peter Tonellato
Paul Anderson
Scott Kovaleski
Tina Bloom
Pamela Bruzina
Katherine Reed