Academic Affairs
The committee will attend to the following issues and report to Council as appropriate:
- Review 2019-2020 committee annual report and address any unfinished business (
- Review current list of syllabus statements and determine need for revision, deletion, or addition of syllabus statements. Develop a process for approving future syllabus statements. Discuss syllabus statements with Associate Deans to ensure relevant policies and procedures are covered. Propose final list of statement with links that will be displayed in Canvas and connect to a repository of syllabus statements on the Provost’s web site. See attached document from Associate Provost Socarides as a starting point.
- Work with Ben Trachtenberg in consideration of existing campus committee structure (including task forces and working groups) and develop sensible and efficient approaches for ensuring effective shared governance in academic affairs.
- Advise efforts to standardize recognition of courses for credit across Missouri universities and other efforts to collaborate within the UM System.
- Develop improved means for evaluating teaching for purposes of promotion and to improve teaching effectiveness. Work in concert the campus TFELT task force.
- Consider the Registrar’s annual list of requests for updates and/or policy changes to the Faculty Handbook and University Catalogs and ensure that the handbook reflects recent changes.
- Submission for Council consideration and approval, the AY2022-2023 academic calendar.
- Collaborate with the CUE (Bill Horner) to assess proposals and decisions for undergraduate education.
Committee Membership:
Michelle Teti
Johanna Kramer
Phillip Wood
Guido Lastra
Sofia Ortega
Chuck Munter