Inclusion, Diversity & Equity 2023-2024

Charges for 2023-24 are currently being developed (2022-2023 charges below). This page will be updated with new charges once determined.

Faculty Council membership on the committee:
Jenny Bossaller (CEHD),
Ellen Moore (A&S),
John Lannin (CEHD),
Neil Fox (CAFNR),
Chris Baines (CVM), bainesc@missouri.edu_

2023-2024 Annual Report
2022-2023 Annual Report

Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Charges for 2022-2023

The committee will attend to the following issues and report to Council as appropriate:
Committee Charge:

  • Continue working with the Provost to address salary inequities
    o External salary study should include all faculty; perhaps start with NTT?
    o Work with Associate Provosts Socarides and Kuby on their “Service and Teaching Audit
    Program for Department Chairs”
    o Work with the Provost on the assessment of the Preparing Future Faculty Postdoctoral program
    relative to the goal of diversifying our faculty and retaining cohorts of diverse faculty.
  • Continue to build a working relationship with the Division of IDE (VC Gipson), in part by having
    regular meetings with VC Gipson and participating in the newly formed Mizzou Diversity Network
  • Follow up on IDE issues raised in administrative reviews of Chancellor/Provost
  • Review the COACHE 2022 faculty Survey data for issues impacting IDE
  • Assist ad hoc Committee in revising CRR regarding NTT faculty and ensuring inclusive language
    (Bruzina is a member of this ad hoc Committee)
  • Follow up with the Committee on Undergraduate Education (CUE) regarding IDE outcomes for
    undergraduate curriculum.
  • Work with admissions to monitor the impact of test-optional admissions on IDE outcomes